Flaming Strike is a Skill in Elden Ring. Flaming Strike is a regular skill that can be found in Ashes of War that can be used on many melee armaments. Updated to Patch 1.08
Skill that emits flame in a wide frontward arc. Follow up with a strong attack to perform a lunging, sweeping strike. This will also coat the armament in fire.
Elden Ring Flaming Strike Guide, Notes & Tips
- This is an Ash of War Skill, associated with the Ash of War: Flaming Strike.
- FP Cost: 4 on use, 10 on follow up.
- This totals to a 14 FP cost.
- Deals 15 stance damage
- This Skill is not Chargeable
- This Skill's second attack can be Parried
- Upon activation, the user spreads flames with their left hand in front of them.
- Inputting the strong attack button allows a follow up, where the user swings his armament (weapon) from left to right and coats it in fire. This counts as a weapon buff.
- The buff lasts 40 seconds, and adds 90 flat fire damage to the weapon.
- The weapon buff from the follow up can be applied regardless of the affinity of the weapon.
- If used without FP:
- No flames come out. However, some lesser enemies can still be staggered if hit by your left hand.
- Follow up does not coat weapon in fire.
- Follow up slash deals reduced damage.