Kukri is a Consumable Item in Elden Ring. Most Consumables grant various effects such as restorative properties for recovering HP, removing certain negative status effects or applying temporary buffs and debuffs, while others can be thrown at enemies to deal damage.
A large knife used for throwing.
Its curved blade is sharp enough to slice flesh cleanly.
Throw at enemies to inflict damage and build up onset of blood loss.
This heavy throwing weapon is unsuitable for swift attacks, but is able to inflict heavy damage.
Elden Ring Kukri Notes & Tips
- You can hold up to 30 Kukri.
- You can store up to 600 Kukri.
- Sell Value: 10 Runes
- Only bleed buildup is affected by the Arcane scaling, not physical damage.
- The throwing animation is slower than all other similarly thrown items.
- The projectile travels considerably farther than all other similarly thrown items.
- This is one of a handful of unexpected things whose range is increased from wearing the Arrow's Reach Talisman.
- The kukri does respectable bleed buildup and a bit of stance damage, making it a good option for bleed builds to keep pressure up on a boss that's hard to approach, though the slow throwing speed makes it harder to use.