Lazuli Glintstone Sword is a Straight Sword in Elden Ring. The Lazuli Glintstone Sword scales primarily with Strength and Intelligence and is a good Weapon for Intelligence- based builds.
A sword with a glintstone in its handguards. Wielded by scholars of the Lazuli Conspectus who seek to master Carian sorcery. Deals magic damage.
Apparently once used as a staff of sorcery, this sword is made of wood.
Elden Ring Lazuli Glintstone Sword Notes & Tips
- This weapon has a very unique heavy attack that can block attacks before its slash comes out. Charging the heavy attack will further extend the time the weapon can block before slashing.
- Despite the way it may appear, the animation does not utilize your left hand shield during the attack. Only the block stats of the weapon itself will apply
- This special attack does not work with the Curved Sword talisman, but is impacted by the Greatshield Talisman
- Blocking any attack with this weapons heavy attack will never put you into stun, unless the move you have blocked completely drains your stamina.
- 2-handing this weapon will increase its guard boost by 10%, just like any other weapon. This does include this weapons heavy attack and this does stack with the Greatshield Talisman.
- Carian Knight's Sword shares the unique heavy attack of this weapon.
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword boasts higher magic damage, lower stat requirements and a more reliable Ash of War.
- Carian Knight Sword has higher physical damage, higher overall damage, and better block performance (both damage reduction and guard boost)
- Generally speaking, Carian Knight Sword is better for hybrid casters (with some amount of dex/str investment) while Lazuli Glintstone Sword performs better with a pure caster build (60-80 INT)
- At +10 with 80 INT, 8 STR and 12 DEX (base Sorcerer stats), this weapon has an AR of 561, with 230+118 Magic damage and 193+19 Physical damage.
- Weapon Skill: Glintstone Pebble
- This weapon cannot be infused with Ashes of War.
- Can't be enchanted with Magic and boosted by Consumables.
- Lazuli Glintstone Sword can be upgraded by using Somber Smithing Stones
- Sell Value: 100
- Base drop rate is 2% (at 100 Discovery).
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.08, Straight Swords poise damage has been reduced only on PVP.
- NOTE: As of Patch 1.09, the scaling values of this weapon were changed. Please refer to the Upgrades Table of this weapon below. Additionally, the running attack speed, first attack speed and speed of guard counter of straight sword has increased. The attack recovery time has also decreased.
- Other notes and player tips go here
Lazuli Glintstone Sword PvP Poise Damage in Elden Ring
Patch 1.10 adjusted PVP Poise Damage of all Weapons including some Spells and Incantations. Please take note that these adjustments are exclusive to PVP.
One-Handed Attacks
- 1H R1 (1/2/3/4/5 Attacks): 5/5/5/5/10
- 1H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 10/10
- 1H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 30/30
- 1H R1 Jumping: 7.5
- 1H R2 Jumping: 20
Two-Handed Attacks
- 2H R1 (1/2/3/4/5 Attacks): 6.5/6.5/6.5/6.5/13
- 2H R2 (1/2 Attacks): 11/11
- 2H Charged R2 (1/2 Attacks): 33/33
- 2H R1 Jumping: 9.75
- 2h R2 Jumping: 22